Saturday, November 5, 2016

Week 273; Loal Destroys His Enemy

                Schroe and Lucille debate the realism of Santa and ask Chuck  if he's real and refuses since he doesn't get involved in theological discussion. Loal starts trying to incorporate the religions of the island to help his government have less rebels.
Peanuts                      Luucy tells Lins about Santa and he doubts it but believes it. Loal's enemy starts raiding little towns to stop him.
Peanuts                Sherm and Chuck's kids wonder about Santa and Chuck's think that he feels guilty. Loal hears of the attack and starts sending people to stop it.
Peanuts                          Luucy is worried about Santa and Chuck just says that's the way it goes which is no consolation. Luci finishes taking over the capitol and keeps marching.
Peanuts               Luucy's daughter writes her letter to Santa which just says gimme xyz through the entire thing. Loal's army reaches the enemy and basically destroys.
Peanuts               Luucy says something bad about Lins so he fake shoots her. Luci reaches The Yard's semi territory/training ground.
Peanuts                 (note this was recovered from a crashed spaceship) Chuck's child has Snoop's son in his stocking. Loal starts trying to fix the problems of the enemy.
CB 1522 Patty 568 Lucy 537 Snoopy 496 Schroeder 298 Shermy 195 Linus 176

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