Luucy throws a ball at Lins but it hits his head and he cries that he'd bleeding to death, then realizes that he's not. Loal is traded, with Patricia sneaking in the cargo bay.
Snowman part 1; Snoop looks next to him and discovers a lifelike snow sculpture next to him and remarks on urbanization. Patricia reveals herself to Loal's friends.
Snowman part 2; Snoop tries to smile at the snow sculpture but it continues to stand there. Loal's friends decide to give Patricia a lot of debt and become a member of their gang until she can pay it off.
Snowman part 3; Snoop notices that the snow sculpture isn't asleep and asks if it ever sleeps. Loal tells Patricia that he doesn't know the members of the gang, this is the first time we discovered he does not know them, he might have remembered them before.
Snowman part 4; Snoop talks to the snow sculpture, but then it starts to melt and he realizes its a snow sculpture. Loal finds out that he was last seen on Loalci Isle and leaves the gang to figure out what happened.
Snowman part 5; Snoop begs the sun to stop melting the snow sculpture, but to no avail. Patricia is sent on her first mission, to steal the identity of Batricia, which she gladly does.
Snowman part 6; Snoop cries to himself that the snow sculpture was no fair weather friend. Loal reaches Loalci Isle heavily disguised so he isn't killed or arrested.
CB 2857 Lucy 1487 Snoopy 1241 Linus 1071
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