Lins' son tells his stepsister that he knows how to predict every single adult's actions and shows it by asking her grandmother whose picture she likes more, she says they're both very nice like expected.

Burnt Down part 1; The Scavengers suddenly find that their Doghouse fleet has caught on fire and wake up the Charlie Brown-Snoopy Liaisons to try to help but they can't do anything.

Burnt Down part 2; The Scavengers walk around the shipyard that contains all the remains of the Doghouses and just start to cry.

Burnt Down part 3; Lins and Luucy look over the burnt remains of the Doghouses and while Lins focuses on how awful it is his wife just keeps thinking someone was smoking in bed.

Burnt Down part 4; A group of Scavengers wander into the remains of their bunks and sleep on top of their charred remains.

Burnt Down part 5; Chuck discovers that the insurance on the Doghouses have lapsed because the Scavengers just sent them food every month.

Burnt Down part 6; Luucy yells at a scavenger about how they all sinned and that is why the Doghouses burnt down but he just bleahs her down.
CB 3765 Lucy 2120 Snoopy 1932 Linus 1713
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