Showing posts with label 3 and 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 and 4. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Week 703; Everyone Appears (Yes, Everyone)

19640405                         Lins carves an authentic replica of a clipper ship out of soap and tries to show it to Chuck, but Luucy washes her hands with it and it becomes a canoe.
19640406                       Viole's daughter tells Chuck that her father is studying lots of different things to try to keep his mind off of bowling.
19640407                           Rabies Shot part 1; The Snoopians have to get a rabies shot but every single representative in town has to pull them off of a tree to take them there.
624; 277; 86; 79; 17; 5
19640408                          Rabies Shot part 2; Chuckson talks to Snop about how both of them have sore arms and he calls it funny, but he doesn't find it funny.
19640409                             Rabies Shot part 3; Chuck apologizes to Snoop and says that it is Snoopian law and it would hurt their credibility to ignore it but he gets mad because he was representing while the law was made and didn't get a say in it.
19640410                          Rabies Shot part 4; Chuck reads Snoop what rabies is and asks him to be thankful for him so Snoop hugs him to say thanks to him.
19640411                         Rabies Shot part 5; Chuck decides to give Snoop a present to cheer him up after the rabies shot and so gives him a globe.
CB 3298 Lucy 1797 Snoopy 1546 Linus 1406 Patty 702 Schroeder 624 Violet 596 Shermy 277 Sally 115 Pig-Pen 86 Frieda 79 555 17 3+4 5

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Week 698; Little's Leaguer's Elbow

19640301                        Chuck goes to a movie but spends the entire line thinking that he should be taking care of the kids and restoring his house from the flood.
617; 275; 78; 15; 4
19640302                         Little Leaguer's Elbow part 1(Mr. Manager part 230); Chuckson's arm begins to hurt but Lu yells at him to ignore it and focus exclusively on winning and nothing else.
19640303                             Little Leaguer's Elbow part 2(Mr. Manager part 231); Chuckson complains to Schroed about his hurting arm but doesn't want to be a quitter while Schroed says Beethoven always felt that way.
19640304                       Little Leaguer's Elbow part 3(Mr. Manager part 232); Chuckson summons his team to tell him what to do about his arm and everyone except Lu tells him to deal with his arm so he does.
19640305                      Little Leaguer's Elbow part 4(Mr. Manager part 233); Chuckson try's to pretend that he feels better when he is summoned to the x-ray room but it fails and he goes to the room.
19640306                         Little Leaguer's Elbow part 5(Mr. Manager part 234); Chuckson informs Lu that he has champions' elbow and she laughs because he's a lousy player.
19640307                        Little Leaguer's Elbow part 6(Mr. Manager part 235); Chuckson complains to himself about his humiliation from not having a professional and instead having a pediatrician.
CB 3270 Lucy 1783 Linus 1394 Patty 699 Schroeder 619 Violet 592 Shermy 275 Sally 114 Frieda 78 555 15 3+4 4

Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 691; Birds

19640112                             Luucy's daughter forces Lins' son to change to her channel so he wishes that her program gets a lousy rating.
19640113                          Snoopy's Scavengers wonder if their food container is full of food and eventually look, but it isn't and they are disappointed.
19640114                              Chuck warns the delegates of 3 and 4 about not bothering a Doge while they eat and Snoop adds to not go near a Doge loud discussion.
19640115                            Lins' son has to go to the barbers shop and Luucy realizes he goes there every week so he remarks that he has a very speedy head.
19640116                         Chuck praises the ingenuity of the feather and how useful it is but then Snoop complains about having Beagle hair instead of feathers.
19640117                               Chuck talks to Lins about the diatryma and how dangerous it was but reassures him that its been extinct for 60 billion years.
19640118                            Luucy's daughter pretends to be a queen telling everyone what to do and Lins' son decides she would make a good queen.
CB 3232 Lucy 1762 Snoopy 1519 Linus 1379 3+4 3

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week 678; 3 And 4

19631013                                Lins' son loses a tooth a gets a 35 cent check from the tooth fairy and decides that improved business requires improves methods.
19631014                     National Newspaper Week part 1; Luucy and Snoop put of signs that announce that it's UNOP newspaper week. Fiften moves in with his children as if he was appointed representative.
19631015                          National Newspaper Week part 2; Chuck praises the newspaper and says its hard to say why on likes it, then Lins' son says because you don't have to dial it. Fiften invites 333 and 444 to come in and join the UNOP.
19631016                      National Newspaper Week part 3; Fiften's son is asked the difference between a morning and evening newspaper and says that evening means you need the light on. Fried gets worried about getting overwhelmed by the 95472's and announces her opposition to the entrance of 555.
19631017                        3 and 4's representatives visit Luucy and tell her about 333 and 444 and try to play the PR game like Fiften does but it doesn't work as well.
19631018                           Snoop sees 3 and 4's representative pass by and decide since nations are now numbered pretty soon nations will be sent for.
19631019                             Chuck and Lins finally warm up to Fiften as a person and start wondering what number Charlie Brown would be if it were a number and land on 3.1416. Luucy decides to support Fiften.
CB 3185 Lucy 1724 Snoopy 1486 Linus 1336 555 8 3+4 2