Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 176; The Outsiders Aren't Completely Loyal After All

Peanuts               Charlie Brown and Snoopy are sending supplies down a small hill to close in on Lucy and Charlie Brown is exhilarated by it while Snoopy is bored.
Peanuts               Luucy tells Chuck something important and he fast walks to try to get to the capitol building to tell them but she try's to stop him. He is able to get this info so Lucy is still trapped and loses some important soldiers.
Peanuts                  Schroe is listening to Haydn's Toy Symphony and Chuck says he wrote some nice things, and he says Mozart actually wrote it and he says he liked Mozart and Schroe clarifies its Mozart's father. The United Nations of Peanuts finish their move of 1km forward.
Are you confused about what's going on? Then start at the beginning here
Peanuts               Snoop is inspecting a top but is hurt by it. The Country of April and its allies leave Lucy to rebuild itself so they can resupply for Wave 2.
Peanuts               Viole's daughter tells SmartA's son that she wants to be a nurse and he says he wants to be perfect. The Outsiders begin secretly asking members of The Country of Aprils alliance to join them and leave the alliance secretly.
Peanuts               Sherm writes on a fence Chuck loves all the girls. No one is fooled. Lucy starts marching to supply its army and then finds their trapped so the entire army comes in to attack The United Nations of Peanuts.
Peanuts                             Viole says to Lucille that Chuck is nice and she agrees with her while yelling. The Outsiders gain The Country's of January, February, March, May and June.
CB 1043 Snoopy 317 Lucy 246 Violet 245 Schroeder 177 Shermy 177

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