Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week 183; Progress

Peanuts                 Linus and Blocks Part 6; Chuck visits Lins and since he's older he thinks he's admired and then he sees Lins building a tower out of blocks. Smartaleck starts trying to restore communications.
Peanuts               Linus and Blocks Part 7; Linus builds an exercise center for Snoopy. Patty meets the bullies of Pig-Pen and try's to get them to join the UNOP.
Peanuts                Chuckson is practicing hitting and fails. Smartaleck defeats Schroedermy and retreats so they can get their supplies.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown is telling Snoopy what to do but it goes into country shutdown. The UNOP reaches Lucy and the circle is one square mile in area.
Peanuts                          Luc tests Schroed's new chest protector by stabbing him with a baseball bat and he collapses. Smartaleck heads back and starts attacking the Outsiders again.
Peanuts               Schroed asks Chuckson how he is and he says okay so Schroed yells at him  to strike people out. The Yard is healed and attacks Smartaleck.
Peanuts               Muddy's daughter try's to carry mud pies in a sack and fails. Patty goes on to new territory to ask countries to join the UNOP.
CB 1079 Patty 475 Snoopy 328 Lucy 260 Violet 255 Schroeder 185 Linus 63

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