It starts to rain and Luucy yells at Lins' son to stop the rain but he says it wrong. Eventually he finds out that it was just a coincidence.
Linus sends the food shipments to Snoopy's Scavengers but sends shipments of junk food that aren't helpful.
Freeway part 1; Chuck finds out that a new freeway that will be made is going to go strait through the Peanutsville Doghouse base.
Freeway part 2; The head of the Snoopian army in Peanutsville breaks the news to his soldiers that their base (which is a place they've grown attached to) is going to be destroyed by a freeway.
Freeway part 3; Chuck, Lins, Snoop and Viole start trying to figure out what to do to stop the destruction of the Doghouse base.
Freeway part 4; Chuck gives an inspiring impromptu speech about why the freeway shouldn't go through the Doghouse base (caring for military members) to Linew which goes down as his greatest speech and one of the best in the history of Schulz.
Freeway part 5; Luucy yells at Snoopy's Peanutsville commander for being sentimental and tells him to stop feeling sorry for his soldiers losing a lot of votes in Snoopy.
CB 2662 Lucy 1291 Snoopy 1057 Linus 828 Violet 528
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