Luucy walks up to Snoop and hugs him while saying "Felicitas est parvus canis calidus" which is happiness is a warm puppy in Latin.
The Great Piano is broadcasting a song but the Snoopy Scavengers rest on the speaker system so it just gets lucky that they are only covering speakers that are unneeded for the piece.
Luucy thinks it would be fun to go to an old-fashioned ball with Lins and he says it would be fun, if she could dance.
Charlie Brown introduces a training program to the Snoopy Scavengers but they choose to do it by correspondence.
Viole's daughter's father has a dental appointment and the past few days he had other types of doctor's appointments as part of his physical breakdown since turning forty.
Charlie Brown sends food to the Snoopy Scavengers and when they try it they hate it completely.
CB 3436 Lucy 1907 Snoopy 1660 Linus 1517 Schroeder 647 Violet 606 Frieda 88