Showing posts with label Sallicia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sallicia. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Week 855; Back to Baseball

     WW1 Flying Ace part 62; The Ace is "flying" around when he sees Sallicia's daughter holding a balloon and attacks her because he thinks it is an enemy observation balloon, unfortunately he is utterly beaten.
     Mr. Manager part 366; Chuckson tries to institute a vigorous exercise program, but almost loses his whole team before changing it to a few push-ups.
     Mr. Manager part 367; Luc is chosen to be the union representative for the UNOP baseball team and wishes Chuckson good luck in that role, before responding as herself that he's going to need it.
     Mr. Manager part 368; Chuckson tries to script out a play that starts with him hitting a ball, he misses and so the team throws all the hats and gloves at him.
     Mr. Manager part 369; Luc tries to get more time off from Chuckson, the time off being not showing up to any of the games.
     Mr. Manager part 370; Chuckson and Lin look over the pathetic baseball team and while Chuckson says that they aren't ready, Lin admits that the team wouldn't be ready if the season started in November.
156; 33
      Mr. Manager part 371; Chuckson tries to throw the first pitch of the season, and is knocked over like every year, he remarks that the seasons are very similar.
CB 3849 Lucy 2180 Linus 1772 Sally 179 Frieda 156 555 33

Friday, March 15, 2019

Week 853; A Bit of a Hiatus But Whatevs

     The Kiteboat Trapper is approached by Charlie Brown's kiteboat administrator who tries to taunt it, but eventually gives up and just sends a kiteboat to it.
     Stolen Crayon part 4; Sallicia reveals that she lied about the stolen pen and when she is told to not lie she yells at his middle-class morality (though at this point they are both upper class).
     Stolen Crayon part 5; Chuck confides in Luucy about his problem and asks what she thinks, but all she does is talk about re-painting her booth.
     Stolen Crayon part 6; Sallicia talks about how that if a lie works for a politician it isn't a lie, then Chuck retorts with George Washington.
     Linus' army gets bossed around by Luci to well, just do work, bossing around isn't really accurate but I need to make time because I'm not really sure what to write, but they complain about doing things that interfere with not doing anything.
       Chuck complains about how Snoop doesn't tour Snoopy anymore and he says its because of Saint Barnard gangs.
     Lins puts up a sign supporting stamping things out, Luucy (as his wife, she like to compartmentalize), tells him to be more specific so he says to stamp things out that need stamping out.
CB 3836 Lucy 2175 Snoopy 1994 Linus 1768 Sally 178

Friday, March 8, 2019

Week 852; All Arcs

     The food deliverers discover that they have received tons of letters of support, before realizing they all were for the Scavengers.
     Arm-Wrestle part 7; All of the representatives run to see Luucy and Snoop arm-wrestle, both refusing to give up after two days.
249; 91; 32
     Arm-Wrestle part 8; Luucy and Snoop continue their arm-wrestling match and are near collapse when Snoop decides to kiss Luucy on the nose, ending the match and causing them both to collapse.
      Arm-Wrestle part 9; Luucy demands that even if Snoop won its only because he kissed her and calls herself the arm-wrestling champion. Despite her win she loses some supporters for her fit, but many of the others support her more.
     Stolen Crayon part 1; Sallicia discovers that one of her diplomats took a pen from a diplomat training course and goes crazy over how they're going to be punished.
     Stolen Crayon part 2; Sallicia explains her problem to Chuck who advises her to just return it, but she goes crazy because it was broken and the instructor hates breaking pens.
     Stolen Crayon part 3; Sallicia demands that Chuck find a way to get her out of the mess, but he refuses, he is the president and doesn't want to deal with the problems of a diplomat-in-training.
CB 3831 Lucy 2172 Snoopy 1993 Linus 1766 Patty 726 Shermy 249 Sally 176 Pig-Pen 91 555 32

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Week 846; Measles Shot

          WW1 Flying Ace part 49;  The Ace spends some time drinking at he institution and keeps complaining about the Red Bandit but gets kicked out for creating a disturbance.
          Measles Shot part 1; Luucy tells Lins' son that he's going to be getting a measles shot soon and so he complains about feeling like a dart board.
      Measles Shot part 2; Lins' son complains about how he has to get a shot and that measles is nothing but Luucy calls his stupidity appalling.
              Measles Shot part 3; Lins' son complains about how he has to get vaccinated and lists some old wives cures to use and when Luucy points out that it is what they are he calls them pretty sharp.
19670105                       Measles Shot part 4; Luucy gives Lins' son a pamphlet on measles that convinces him that getting his measles shot will be worth it.
           Measles Shot part 5; Lins' son sits down to get his shot and after some chaotic fighting he gets his shot and walks out to proudly say that they shot the measles.
19670107                       Measles Shot part 6; Lins' son goes to Sallicia's daughter and praises the amazingness of the measles's vaccine but she knows that he wants to get her to have one.
CB 3815 Lucy 2153 Snoopy 1969 Linus 1752 Sally 171

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week 844; Christmas Preparations

       Lins reads a large chunk of the bible to Chuck to prove to him that no one needs the Christmas Provider.
         Luucy talks to Chuck about the difference between wishy-washyness and humility and she says that he is wishy washy while she is humble.
           Snoop is skating around on the ice when he falls and decides that his feet need to be sharpened. Charlette hires a bunch of mercenaries in the Republic of Shermy to cause as most chaos as possible.
       Pamela writes a letter to the Christmas Provider trying to give advice about fastening seatbelts. The mercenaries arrive and start hire a few criminals to mess around before they try anything big.
         Chuck tells a story to Sallicia's daughter about how his grandmother used to hang her stockings up and find them filled with apples and oranges, but when she gets hers she can only see three grapes fitting in it.
        Snoop stays awake and gets worried that a crazy guy with a sled and stupid reindeer that step on his stomach will arrive. LuAnne hears a rumor about what Charlette is doing and reports it to Luci.
       Sallicia's daughter decides to put up all of her socks so everything fits in it. Luci passes the information onto the president of Shermy.
CB 3813 Lucy 2145 Snoopy 1968 Linus 1741 Sally 170 Peppermint Patty 27