Thursday, May 26, 2016

Week 168; Beethoven's Birthday!

Peanuts               Schroe is convinced by Viole to play his amateur piano on a big one. Shroe goes to the Great Piano and starts working on a giant computer to control it.
Peanuts               Lucy tells Linus the food shipments are coming by shooting canons at it, then saying they don't sound like they want it. Shroe hires some computer technicians to help him make is computer a reality.
Peanuts                Lucy tells Patty that it hasn't attacked Linus at all that day, but the days not over yet. They then attack Linus, but Patty was guarding it so they can't get through and they lose.
Peanuts               Chuck tells Schroe's son to come to school but he doesn't since its Beethoven's Birthday. Schulz recognizes Beethoven's Birthday as a holiday. Linus finally makes it so 1st class in Shermy isn't the same as high 3rd class everywhere else.
Peanuts               Linus blocks Snoopy's TV waves so Snoopy blocks it back. Linus stays in Shermy to make it more live able with the help of the new government and hires mercenaries to defend Linus, this is a bad idea and the new government won't last.
Peanuts               Lucy tells Charlie Brown that Linus is being taught how to get food shipments through the roads by itself by if the shipments crash 3 times no more are sent, that only teaches the people involved how to count, which they didn't know.
Peanuts               Patty asks Charlie Brown how their alliance is and it says really really good. Now for a moment of saying Charlie Brown's relationships with other countries. Shermy; Okay. Patty; See above. Snoopy; Really Really Really Really good. Violet; See Patty. Schroeder; Really Really Really Good. Lucy; Either terrible or great. Linus; Really good.
CB 1008 Patty 458 Snoopy 294 Lucy 237 Violet 234 Schroeder 163 Linus 47

Week 167; 1000 Charlie Browns!

Peanuts               Chuck shows CPatricia his winter sculpt that he made and he was really proud of the carrot, which Snoop eats. The Minor political "party" splits up over how to punish the people they're invading, who they haven't captured.
This would be funny if so many people didn't die.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown loans Patty some books from the grand library and Charlie Brown wonders if they're in an alliance since it has a good government or its grand library.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown is shooting canons at a tree when the people operating them start attacking the tree thinking it was Lucinians, they are then sent to psychiatry.
Peanuts               Chuck and Lucille are playing outside and she says Lins can't come since its too cold so he's looking through the door. The two minor Shermian groups split into four over how to punish the other side.
Peanuts                 Charlie Brown's cookie shipment gets gets dirty so Lucy is mad until they hear its the last they have then they eagerly take it.
Peanuts                           Shermy goes through the upper roads of Charlie Brown messing them up which annoys Charlie Brown. The splits in the minor political parties make it so the main one can defeat them.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown gives Snoopy some of its warming to help it get through the rough winter. The UNOP Front, Patty, Violet and Lucy decide since the winter is so harsh they'll resume fighting when the weather gets better.
I do this so I can focus on how bad Shermy is.
CB 1005! Patty 456 Snoopy 293 Lucy 234 Shermy 167 Linus 43

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 166; Shermy Is Full Of Blockheads!

Peanuts               Lucy's jump roping champion reaches 600 and then sees Linus' jump roping champion reaching 700. The good Shermian leader gains control of Shermy along with his "party".
Peanuts               Charlie Brown has two candy bar shipments and offers Violet one but it takes two, not violently and not asking. The minor Shermian "party's", Lordlands and Rebels that don't support the leader decide to work together to overthrow him. Most people who didn't agree to that then slapped their faces.
Peanuts                           Patty tells Violet that 50 advanced trucks were added to it, along with, 190 construction supply sets, 75 army sewers and 48 new good politicians and the mother said they now have to remember 363 new things.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown sends its last Halloween to supplies to the army. Schroeder breaks through part of the Lucinian line and is able to save the Charlie Brownans that are making a last stand, only to find backup for Lucy and start fighting them.
Peanuts                Violet asks not interrupt the TV line their sharing, then the program ends. Shroe hears whats going on with his army and goes to help him.
Peanuts               Sherm's ears are cold and Chuck tells him he should have what Snoop has, built in ear muffs since his ears are dog ears. The Minor political "party" of Shermy starts attacking the capitol of Shermy to take control.
These posts aren't labeled new party since they are basically rebel groups pretending to be a party.
Peanuts               Snoop licks Lins ( one of the problems of being a Doge, not being able to withstand licking things) and he starts crying since he wants to lick Snoop back. Shroe reaches Backup Lucy and starts attacking.
CB 998 Patty 453 Snoopy 291 Violet 233 Lucy 232 Shermy 166 Linus 42

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Week 165; Linus Helps Shermy ( Without Either Of Them Appearing)

Peanuts               Charlie Brown's checkers champion loses for the 8,003rd time in a row but is able to laugh it off so she quits since he was a good loser. The Chaos rebel group starts bombing everywhere in Shermy so the other rebels, Lordlands and Linus decide to stop them so there's either something to fight over or something to save.
Peanuts               Snoopy's scavengers are tired and hear food shipments heading to Charlie Brown' and don't ask for them since that food was sent to a portion of the army that was falling back. This enabled them to hold back the Lucinians for a long time.
Peanuts               CPatricia is drawing a picture of Chuck and Luucy thinks its a moon, so he chases her. Linus takes down the main Chaos army so the rebels and Lordlands can finish the rebel group off.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown finishes a shipment so Snoopy's scavengers shoot the ground but that is stopped. Linus finds a good leader for Shermy and starts to try to make him leader.
Peanuts                Violet kicks Charlie Brown out even though they aren't allowed into Charlie Brown so they make a city in no mans land which becomes a stop for armies resting and getting supplies. Linus gets New Shermy, Pro-merge, Boy, Liberal and One Shermy to merge and support their leader.
Peanuts               Lucy's army gets hurt so Patty gives them faulty canons and the army asks how that helped, and then the canons explode.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown gets Snoopy to be on only to reinforce the gates correctly and shut down again. Conservative Shermy starts supporting the good leader, but not becoming part of the main group.
CB 993 Patty 450 Snoopy 289 Lucy 230 Violet 230 Yes!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 164; Shermy Is Just Terrible

Peanuts               Charlie Brown shows Shermy how fast the Snoopy scavengers move when they hear food rolling through Shermian roads. Conservative Shermy takes control of Shermy and tries to conquer the capitol but doesn't have a strong army.
Peanuts                 Chucky SonBown shows Schroe his new comic which isn't liked. Later he merges his comics to become Science, Birds and Music so he doesn't divert his focus. Liberal Shermy starts to fight Conservative Shermy over the country.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown is worried since it hears tanks coming but then finds out they're transporting Linus and have no weapons. Linus finally gets in one piece and gains a new leader who is good and prepares to help The United Nations of Peanuts until Shroe says that there will be a tremendous loss of life for little reason.
Peanuts                               Linus mock attacks Snoopy so it gets mock attacked back. Snoopy destroys its cut off Lucinians. Linus decides to try to help Shermy by getting Liberal Shermy in control, then decides to make living conditions better instead.
Peanuts                                 Patty takes on the role of Lucinian distraction and tells Lucy that Van Pelt says its leaders are natural fuss-budgets and they say that they work hard to be what they are. The point of this is so Lucy starts falling back.
Peanuts               SmartA annoys Schroe and thinks he should write a book called how to drive a Schroedarian crazy. Linus finds New and One Shermy's leaders and starts helping them escape the capitol of Shermy.
Peanuts                Schroeder asks Charlie Brown if they should get a Snoopian tank but they decide not which relives Snoopy. Shermy falls into chaos after the Chaos rebel group gets into the capitol.
CB 988 Patty 448 Snoopy 286 Lucy 227 Shermy 165 Schroeder 161 Linus 41

Week 163; Lots Of Schroeder

Peanuts                The Great Piano adds a conducting station and the first conductor hits a Snoopian who is watching. Shroe realizes that the battle will last a long time so he goes and starts training new members of the army in battle strategies.
Peanuts               The Snoopian army notices an economy booster and then gets hurt by Schroeder, Charlie Brown and Shermy getting economy booster.
Peanuts               Violet asks Lucy what position they are in the Van Pelt family line and they say third over Linus. Violet is able to block another reinforcement line to Lucy and starts pushing forward.
Peanuts               A conductor is conducting without a baton or band and gets embarrassed when caught. Schroeder's father country decides to help make the Great Piano even better.
Peanuts               Schroe is playing the piano for a Snoopian polka and he tells Chuck that there's nothing like it when danced by an expert. One Shermy starts fighting Island Pride over Shermy.
Peanuts                Chuck's son tells his Pattian friend that he's quitting school and she says he can't since he has 12 more years so he runs away. Conservative Shermy starts trying to take control legally.
Peanuts                                Lucy gets hurt and Violet listens to why, its basically because of the battle and the conversation gives Snoopy time to cut off a portion of Lucy.
CB 984 Patty 447 Snoopy 283 Violet 229 Lucy 225 Shermy 164 Schroeder 159

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 162; The Longest Battle Ever

Peanuts                Charlie Brown's checkers champion throws a tantrum after finding out he lost his 7,000th game and then goes back to normal and plays again. The backup portion of the fourth Lucinian army marches on The UNOP Front in a back and forth battle that would become the longest battle ever including seiges.
Peanuts               Lucille apologizes to Chuck that she didn't say happy Halloween sooner and then says it. The Shermian leader quits to save his life leading a war of succession.
Peanuts                  Snoopy's army is napping when they find themselves surrounded by copies of the leaf brigade trying to help so they charge into Lucy and then get decimated but take a bit out of Lucy again and again until they're destroyed and the Lucinian army walks away with only a quarter of their former strength.
Peanuts                             Smartaleck pranks Patty and Snoopy points to where it went so they it is punished. The Island Pride rebel group takes control of Shermy's capitol.
Peanuts                           Van Pelt asks Lucy if it stole some supplies and says that its leaders refuse to answer since it might incriminate them.
Peanuts               Schroe tells Chuck that he doesn't feel good and Chuck says he doesn't feel good and goes on a rant so Schroe leaves. Shroe sends some men to scout for more suicide bombers like the leaf copies and they find a few thousand who take a good chunk out of Lucy before dying.
Peanuts               The Snoopian army is sitting and mourning everyone who has died in the war when Charlie Brown rebels come in and tell them to put their hands up so they put their ears up and then circle and destroy the rebels.
CB 981 Patty 446 Snoopy 279 Lucy 223 Schroeder 155

Week 161; Rebellion

Peanuts               Violet, Patty and Schroeder are waiting for Charlie Brown to come help them get supplies from older countries and its help is carrying the supplies.
Peanuts               Chuck's son and his Pattian friend run to school and almost miss it while a Snoopian says its nice being a Doge. Someone assassinates the Shermian leader so all the rebel groups start fighting over who assassinated him.
Peanuts                Lucy demands that a stamp shipment is sent from Charlie Brown and then is mad that it went through the country so the truck crashes into the capitol.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown mock attacks Snoopy disguised as it so Snoopy attacks Charlie Brown disguised as it. The One Shermy rebel group gets a leader on Shermy's throne until a true leader gets on the throne and adds all of them to the army or government.
Peanuts                              Patty has Lucy tell it its plan to get supplies so The UNOP Front can cut them off from help and supplies, but Backup is finished training and they prepare to free the rest of the Lucinian fourth army.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown says that the new Lucinian militia won't hurt anything so they threaten to use all the supplies to attack Charlie Brown so it says its very effective.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown tries to use a militia to get supplies but fails since the militia has faulty supplies. Lucy gets many militias to join the backup portion of the army.
CB 976 Patty 445 Snoopy 276 Violet 227 Lucy 220 Schroeder 154