Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Week 423; Lucy Is Forced To Peace

Pe581109                 Luucy and Lins have a breath holding contest but tire out and fall over. Charlie Brown kiteboats sneak past Lucy by driving like crazy, and it works.
Pe581110               Lins' son tries to make sugar cubes but can't. Anbee sends a navy to stop Lucy (Anbee is an island nation, forgot to mention that).
Pe581111               Snoop rarf's to make sure the world knows he exists. Anbee asks the UNoS to help it because Lucy has no reason to attack it.
Pe581112                  Viole's daughter sends her aunt a birthday card for her aunt who's turning 40 and Chuck's son says he had a great-grandmother who lived to that age ( his family isn't very long-lived).
Pe581113               Snoop walks in the leaves after Chuck does. The UNoS send a message to Lucy that they must stop the war.
Pe581114               Chuck wishes that he could be happy and Luucy says she made spaghetti three times this month. Lucy declares peace on Anbee (that's a thing).
Pe581115               Luucy tells Lins' son that some children live on the streets after telling him to clean his house and he thinks their parents must make them clean the streets. Sharmy and Pen agree that their party should vote on who should be their president at the end of the month.
CB 2223 Lucy 998 Snoopy 810 Linus 545 Violet 470

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Week 422; Lucy Declares War

Pe581102                Lins' and Luucy's children wish on a wishbone but Lins' son wishes for world peace which ruins it for Luucy's daughter. Luucy and Batricia have a fit over the election results knowing that popular parties win elections.
 Pe581103                Viole asks Chuck why he isn't rooting for a losing team and he says he roots for the upper-dog. Sharmy agrees to put their supporters together and see who is more popular and support that one.
Pe581104               Luucy says that Beethoven wasn't good because he didn't become club champion. Lucy decides to declare war on the small nation of Anbee.
Pe581105                Luucy says hooray for Irving Berlin so Schroe attacks her. Luucy asks the representatives to help Lucy attack Anbee but they all refuse.
Pe581106                Charlie Brown try's to send a kiteboat out but it gets trapped by the Kiteboat Trapper but not destroyed.
Pe581107               Charlie Brown crashes a kiteboat into Violet's tiny warship. Lucy stages a blockade on Anbee by capturing all ships heading to and from it.
Pe581108               Schroeder gets a Christmas warship early but Charlie Brown crashes a kiteboat into it. Chuck secretly tells Charlie Brown to send supplies to Anbee.
CB 2220 Lucy 995 Linus 542 Violet 469 Schroeder 455

Monday, May 29, 2017

Week 421: Welcome Back Me, It's Been Awhile

Pe581026                Lins tries to spy on Luucy for Chuck but she knows what he's doing and kicks him out so he says he has a glass head.
Pe581027               Luucy reads Lins' son a story with a happy ending and he says after all they went through they deserved a little happiness. The heads of Patty and Violet schedule their elections for the last day of the week.
Pe581028               Luucy complains about Lins' son continuing to hold a blanket and he says she should see it as a conversation piece. Batricia reads polls that show the Girl party taking Patty's legislature with a 60% majority and 80% of the county governments will have a slim to large control of them.
 Pe581029              Snoopy tries to steal the Linusian wall with a new strategy but sees that Linus has weighed it down. Chuck focuses his energy to take Violet which polls have his party trailing but increasing in seats from the last election.
Pe581030                 Lucy meets a new ally who won't attack back if Lucy attacks it. Pen tries to reach out to Sharmy to see if they could work together as a party.
Pe581031               Linus tries to get candy shipments on Halloween but is scared of getting attacked but when they ask for some no one even answers.
Pe581101               Luucy steps on a bug despite her motto because it wasn't really living. Patty is won by the Girl party with a 55% majority in the legislature and control of 60% county governments.
CB 2216 Lucy 990 Snoopy 808 Patty 657 Linus 541

Friday, May 19, 2017

Week 420; Capaigning In Violet and Patty

Pe581019               Snoop lies in a water bowl, to find that it has orange juice in it. Viole publicly gives a speech in support of the Girl party candidate and makes sure everyone knows Chuck supports her to.
Pe581020               Lins' son says that he wishes he could be a fanatic. Patricia wakes up in her cloning tube for the first time in seven years.
Pe581021               Lins' son decides that he'll be a wishy-washy fanatic Batricia has to return to the cloning chambers to keep Patricia knocked out.
Pe581022               Lins' son decides to become a wide-eyed fanatic. CPatricia starts campaigning hard with Batricia missing.
Pe581023               Lins' son argues with Chuck about him liking this day but he argues for the previous days. Chuck and his allies start campaigning in Patty and Violet making sure they know this really for or against Chuck (who is very popular throughout the UNOP).
Pe581024                        Lins' son gets mad when Viole compliments a movie star on his hair. Batricia realizes that she's throwing away her election by keeping Patricia knocked out but stays there.
Pe581025                       Lins' son rants about being a fanatic but Snoop hits him and says that he's been feeling fanatical. Chuck goes on tour to make himself less controversial.
CB 2214 Lucy 984 Snoopy 807 Linus 537 Violet 467 Schroeder 452

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Week 419; Parties Forming

Pe581012              Luucy lets Lins' son put the final piece in her puzzle but he takes too long so she takes it from him. Chuck convinces Luci that Charlette is lying so she doesn't fall into her hands.
Pe581013                Schroe says that people are funny but Chuck corrects him as peculiar. The polls go out with Chuck narrowly ahead with 45 and Luucy at 44, Pen at 5, Sharmy at 4 and the rest of the candidates at less than 1% each.
Pe581014              Luucy complains that Schroe never dedicates a song to her so he slams his hand on the piano and dedicates it to her. Most of the smaller candidates drop out except for a Snoopian anti-Charlie Brown candidate named Sno, Pen and Sharmy.
Pe581015               Schroe complains that used car dealers get more than Beethoven got for his first symphony but Chuck points out that Beethoven wouldn't have been happy selling used cars. Luucy publicly gets support from almost all Lucinian politicians but is disappointed by the fact that almost to the woman the Girl parties of Patty and Violet.
Pe581016                 Pen(cil) Pal part 13; Chuck's son writes to his fathers pen(cil) pal's son and missuses question marks. Chuck starts building a political party out of the Boy, Girl, Piano, Dirty, and Dog parties of countries.
Pe581017                  Pen(cil) Pal part 14; Chuck's son continues writing letters but they are curvy and even with line paper they go up and down. Luucy starts bringing her supporters together into a political party.
Pe581018                Pen(cil) Pal part 15; Snoop decides to get a paw print pal. Chuck gets his party ready to win the elections in Patty and Violet to overthrow the Bully party.
CB 2210 Lucy 983 Snoopy 805 Linus 530 Schroeder 451

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Week 418; Polls Begin

Pe581005              Luucy tickles Snoop and he thinks that it would be nice to bring so much happiness into someone's life. Chuck gets reassurance from Snoopy's politicians that they will support him after the first poll.
Pe581006               Lins' son says that he thinks that there is nothing worse than too much formal education. Luucy realizes that Chuck has gotten support from two countries politicians and starts secretly campaigning to get politicians from Lucy to support her.
Pe581007                  Chuck tells Lins' son that he has maybe twenty years left of school. Shermy starts falling into chaos and paganism.
Pe581008                 Chuck tells Luucy that kindergarten means garden of children which Lins' son laughs at. One of Shermy's major cities develops its own separate army to stop rebels from reaching it.
Pe581009              Chuck sees that Lins' son made a pillar in kindergarten. The major cities cut off almost all travel into them and raise their own armies to stop anarchy.
Pe581010                Snoop thinks about how all he ever has done is sleep. The polling for the election begins to give a view on how popular candidates are.
Pe581011              Snoop spends an entire day listening to his records sadly. Charlette begs for help from Luci that she doesn't need.
CB 2205 Lucy 981 Snoopy 804 Linus 529

Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 417; Archives Anniversary 1958

Pe580928                 Luucy reads Lins' son a story but just says a man was born, he lived and he died. Luucy starts championing stronger bases as a representative.
Pe580929                  Luucy, CPatricia, Viole and Snoop's children are hula-hooping. Sharmy starts campaigning throughout Pig-Pen against Pen.
Pe580930               Lins unties a pretzel. Candidates from every country in the UNOP start campaigning against the leaders of their country.
Pe581001                Chuck reads about how Doge's interact with people in the world and reads that Eskimo's eat them. Chuck decides to get support from as many members of Charlie Brown to suppress anyone from voting against him.
Pe581002               Archives Anniversary 1958: Luucy finds that there are 36 electrical outlets in the capitol building of Peanutsville and Lins says they need emotional outlets. A company in Peanutsville is founded to poll people throughout the UNOP.
Pe581003               Snoop thinks back to his childhood. Almost every politician in Charlie Brown supports Chuck's candidacy for president.
Pe581004               Snoop thinks that he is in his declining years. Chuck and Luucy agree to not campaign until the first poll comes out.
CB 2200 Lucy 977 Snoopy 802 Patty 656 Linus 525 Violet 464 Schroeder 448 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week 416; Campaigning, Two Years Before The Election

Pe580921                 Luc sends a football to Charlie Brown and its leaders decide to take it because they have faith in human nature, the football is rigged and blows up.
Pe580922                Luucy tells Chuck the problem with him is that he's himself. Luucy announces her candidacy right after that.
Pe580923                  Lins watches a tree and is surprised when no leaves fall, but one fell behind him. Chuck starts having his campaign manager see which areas supported him.
Pe580924                         Luucy teaches Lins' son about trees, and says true things. Chuck finds that Charlie Brown and Snoopy are in his pocket while Lucy, Patty and Violet are in Luucy's.
Pe580925                       Lins asks a leaf it had a nice summer. Chuck to decides to win over Schroeder and Linus while Luucy decides to make Charlie Brown and Snoopy like Chuck less.
Pe580926                        Lins tells leaves when new leaves come. Sharmy decides to run for president with the support of Pig-Pen and Shermy.
 Pe580927                  Snoop forgets his mid-afternoon nap. Pen starts running against Sharmy for Pig-Pen and Shermy because he doesn't like him.
CB 2198 Lucy 974 Snoopy 798 Linus 522