Monday, May 29, 2017

Week 421: Welcome Back Me, It's Been Awhile

Pe581026                Lins tries to spy on Luucy for Chuck but she knows what he's doing and kicks him out so he says he has a glass head.
Pe581027               Luucy reads Lins' son a story with a happy ending and he says after all they went through they deserved a little happiness. The heads of Patty and Violet schedule their elections for the last day of the week.
Pe581028               Luucy complains about Lins' son continuing to hold a blanket and he says she should see it as a conversation piece. Batricia reads polls that show the Girl party taking Patty's legislature with a 60% majority and 80% of the county governments will have a slim to large control of them.
 Pe581029              Snoopy tries to steal the Linusian wall with a new strategy but sees that Linus has weighed it down. Chuck focuses his energy to take Violet which polls have his party trailing but increasing in seats from the last election.
Pe581030                 Lucy meets a new ally who won't attack back if Lucy attacks it. Pen tries to reach out to Sharmy to see if they could work together as a party.
Pe581031               Linus tries to get candy shipments on Halloween but is scared of getting attacked but when they ask for some no one even answers.
Pe581101               Luucy steps on a bug despite her motto because it wasn't really living. Patty is won by the Girl party with a 55% majority in the legislature and control of 60% county governments.
CB 2216 Lucy 990 Snoopy 808 Patty 657 Linus 541

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