Friday, May 5, 2017

Week 414: The UNoS Founded

Pe580907                Luucy try's to get Schroe to kiss her but Snoop does so she screams about germs. The UNoS gets all the representatives and begin by preparing a list of war crimes.
Pe580908               Lins decides to save half of his candy bar but Luucy suggests that the world could end tomorrow so he eats it. The UNoS realizes that Lucy and The Outsiders should be punished so they put extra taxes on their governments buying anything.
Pe580909               Biole wants Chuck to hit a spider with a newspaper but he doesn't have one so she tells him to subscribe to one. Luci protests taxing Lucy and Charlotte Braun since their regimes have changed since the war crimes.
Pe580910                Snoopy's Scavengers think that Charlie Brown filled their food supply but they smell it and find nothing. Lucy is saved from sanctions but Charlotte Braun isn't.
Pe580911                  Chuck is itchy, until finding that shots can stop it then he feels fine. Charlette starts campaigning in Charlotte Braun that the sanctions are the current leaders fault privately while publicly supporting her.
Pe580912               Lins starts putting sugar on his potato chips. Luci finally returns home for a temporary retirement (she never gets to retire permanently).
Pe580913               Schroe's son is bought a new haircut and he balances it on his head home. The UNoS develop a development rating an puts Shermy and Charlotte Braun at the bottom.
CB 2193 Lucy 969 Snoopy 796 Linus 514 Violet 462 Schroeder 445

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