Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 309; Shroe Heads To Shermy

Peanuts                 Lins' son thinks a bush is a porcupine and tells it to stop staring at it. Luci tells the puppet government to not run for office since they were disliked by the public.
Peanuts                  Luucy stomps the ground to test out the strength of the world. Shroe calls The UNOP Front together and marches to Shermy.
Peanuts                  Luucy shows Chuck her lead balloon. The Male General hears about The UNOP Front's march and grabs his men and leaves showing no trace of him being there leaving a random Lucinian general in charge.
Peanuts               Chuck's son gets exhausted by trying to get the presents out of his cereal boxes. Shroe reaches Shermy and charges the capitol.
Peanuts                 Chuck's son gets a box of cereal that is supposed to have 1 marble, but comes with a bag of marble and one piece of cereal. As the siege is underway the general bribes the 10 remaining Lordlands ( which are better to live in then the rest of Shermy) to help him.
Peanuts               SmartA yells at Biole to change her mind but she does nothing, and he regrets that it's hard to get people to change their minds. The weakest Lordland falls into chaos.
Peanuts               Luucy tells Chuck that she thinks he's cute since he has a round head like a ball. The strongest Lordland sends their army to the capitol.
CB 1694 Lucy 650 Violet 395 Linus 259 Shermy 208

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