Saturday, January 7, 2017

Week 312; Luci and Shroe Move Home

Peanuts                Snoopy tries to attack the Linusian wall but it is stuck to the ground so the army bounces away. Luci finally leaves the capitol and moves back to her country home.
Peanuts                  Schroe shows that Snoop wants to be skritched instead of scratched. Shroe heads back to Peanutsville to get the pay for his soldiers and the family of the dead soldiers.
Peanuts                       Luucy tries to walk to the point where the sidewalk ends but fails. Sherm gives up his vast wealth to pay for the salaries of the army.
Peanuts                Chuck proves that the pointed sidewalks are products of horizon so Luucy makes fun of Charlie Brown's flag. Chuck starts taking care of Sherm's son so he doesn't have to go to Shermy.
Peanuts                        Snoop dances so Luucy yells at him at he decides to act more sensible the next day. Shroe leaves Peanutsville to head home like Luci.
Peanuts               Luucy yells at Snoop to stop dancing so he pretends to be her. Loal decides to introduce a bill in the legislature to open to up communications to North Peanuts.
Peanuts               Luucy gives Chuck hot root beer and he hates it. Shroe reaches his old home and starts fixing it up since he's been gone for years.
CB 1710 Lucy 661 Snoopy 576 Schroeder 340 Linus 262

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