Thursday, February 23, 2017

Week 348; Charlette Excommunicated

Pe570602                   Renegade militias from Lucy steal some tanks and destroy a Linusian fort on the border in an area without the wall, so Linus sends some mechanics to destroy the tanks.
Pe570603                Luucy gives Schroe a bust of Beethoven, but then realizes that it is George Washington ( the founder of the country model) and she says that she can't tell one composer from another. The representatives create a bill to excommunicate Charlette from Charlotte Braun and put Luci in charge of it.
Pe570604                  Snoop watches a bug run across the ground. Chuck gives an impassioned speech against the bill but watches as Batricia, Biole, CPatricia and Viole vote for it (Viole was forced to). Chuck convinces Snoop to vote against the bill.
Pe570605                    Luucy picks up a worm but places it back since it might be important and she wouldn't want to deprive a group of its leader. Later that day she votes for the bill while Chuck convinces Schroe and SmartA to vote against it.
Pe570606                          Snoop is scared because he sees Viole holding a balloon because it has a string and he thinks it is a leash. Lucille votes for the bill while Lins and Pendu vote against it.
Pe570607                 Lins is told about the requirements for next-level helping in country development, they are, clear sicknesses, send water shipments on its own, clear roads and have basic architecture.
Pe570608                Lins is mad that everyone is giving him advice on how he votes, so Chuck tells him to not listen to other representatives giving him advice, and tells it as advice. Sherm sends in a vote from Shermy for the bill.
CB 1880 Lucy 771 Snoopy 652 Violet 420 Schroeder 376 Linus 330

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