Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Week 422; Lucy Declares War

Pe581102                Lins' and Luucy's children wish on a wishbone but Lins' son wishes for world peace which ruins it for Luucy's daughter. Luucy and Batricia have a fit over the election results knowing that popular parties win elections.
 Pe581103                Viole asks Chuck why he isn't rooting for a losing team and he says he roots for the upper-dog. Sharmy agrees to put their supporters together and see who is more popular and support that one.
Pe581104               Luucy says that Beethoven wasn't good because he didn't become club champion. Lucy decides to declare war on the small nation of Anbee.
Pe581105                Luucy says hooray for Irving Berlin so Schroe attacks her. Luucy asks the representatives to help Lucy attack Anbee but they all refuse.
Pe581106                Charlie Brown try's to send a kiteboat out but it gets trapped by the Kiteboat Trapper but not destroyed.
Pe581107               Charlie Brown crashes a kiteboat into Violet's tiny warship. Lucy stages a blockade on Anbee by capturing all ships heading to and from it.
Pe581108               Schroeder gets a Christmas warship early but Charlie Brown crashes a kiteboat into it. Chuck secretly tells Charlie Brown to send supplies to Anbee.
CB 2220 Lucy 995 Linus 542 Violet 469 Schroeder 455

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