Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 417; Archives Anniversary 1958

Pe580928                 Luucy reads Lins' son a story but just says a man was born, he lived and he died. Luucy starts championing stronger bases as a representative.
Pe580929                  Luucy, CPatricia, Viole and Snoop's children are hula-hooping. Sharmy starts campaigning throughout Pig-Pen against Pen.
Pe580930               Lins unties a pretzel. Candidates from every country in the UNOP start campaigning against the leaders of their country.
Pe581001                Chuck reads about how Doge's interact with people in the world and reads that Eskimo's eat them. Chuck decides to get support from as many members of Charlie Brown to suppress anyone from voting against him.
Pe581002               Archives Anniversary 1958: Luucy finds that there are 36 electrical outlets in the capitol building of Peanutsville and Lins says they need emotional outlets. A company in Peanutsville is founded to poll people throughout the UNOP.
Pe581003               Snoop thinks back to his childhood. Almost every politician in Charlie Brown supports Chuck's candidacy for president.
Pe581004               Snoop thinks that he is in his declining years. Chuck and Luucy agree to not campaign until the first poll comes out.
CB 2200 Lucy 977 Snoopy 802 Patty 656 Linus 525 Violet 464 Schroeder 448 

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