Thursday, May 11, 2017

Week 419; Parties Forming

Pe581012              Luucy lets Lins' son put the final piece in her puzzle but he takes too long so she takes it from him. Chuck convinces Luci that Charlette is lying so she doesn't fall into her hands.
Pe581013                Schroe says that people are funny but Chuck corrects him as peculiar. The polls go out with Chuck narrowly ahead with 45 and Luucy at 44, Pen at 5, Sharmy at 4 and the rest of the candidates at less than 1% each.
Pe581014              Luucy complains that Schroe never dedicates a song to her so he slams his hand on the piano and dedicates it to her. Most of the smaller candidates drop out except for a Snoopian anti-Charlie Brown candidate named Sno, Pen and Sharmy.
Pe581015               Schroe complains that used car dealers get more than Beethoven got for his first symphony but Chuck points out that Beethoven wouldn't have been happy selling used cars. Luucy publicly gets support from almost all Lucinian politicians but is disappointed by the fact that almost to the woman the Girl parties of Patty and Violet.
Pe581016                 Pen(cil) Pal part 13; Chuck's son writes to his fathers pen(cil) pal's son and missuses question marks. Chuck starts building a political party out of the Boy, Girl, Piano, Dirty, and Dog parties of countries.
Pe581017                  Pen(cil) Pal part 14; Chuck's son continues writing letters but they are curvy and even with line paper they go up and down. Luucy starts bringing her supporters together into a political party.
Pe581018                Pen(cil) Pal part 15; Snoop decides to get a paw print pal. Chuck gets his party ready to win the elections in Patty and Violet to overthrow the Bully party.
CB 2210 Lucy 983 Snoopy 805 Linus 530 Schroeder 451

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