Saturday, June 3, 2017

Week 426; Sharmy Is The Candidate

Pe581130                Luucy keeps forcing Lins out of doing what he wants so he watches stars. The party choses Sharmy as their candidate because the party now has plenty of Shermians.
Pe581201               Schroeder puts up giant screens counting down to Beethoven's Birthday, 15 days. Sno decries Sharmy and supports Pen hoping to bring his supporters to his side.
Pe581202               Charlie Brown loses a potato chip shipment and Snoopy's Scavengers can't pick them up because of cold linoleum.
Pe581203                The giant countdowns to Beethoven's Birthday say 10 shopping days until Beethoven's Birthday. A few politicians who believe in what Sno does start working together to elect themselves (not a party because they hate those).
Pe581204               Luucy tells Lins to tell the snow to stop snowing and he wonders how to address snowflakes. Chuck hears of Sno's not party and decides to not campaign against him since if he will get more votes Luucy will get less.
Pe581205               Pen(cil) Pal part 16; Chuck writes to his pencil pal and Schroe adds that there are 11 days until Beethoven's Birthday. Luucy calls out Sno for having a party and decrying them.
Pe581206                Chuck yells that he doesn't care that Biole invited everyone in Peanutsville to a party, except for him but he then says he's a loud liar. Sharmy declines to call Sno a hypocrite to hurt Luucy.
CB 2232 Lucy 1005 Snoopy 821 Patty 658 Linus 550 Violet 471 Schroeder 459

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