Snoop steals Lins mitten but it covers his face. Chuck focuses on Schroeder's election hoping to win his third Super-majority.
Luucy counts how many seconds older Chuck is than when they met which drives him mad. Luucy decides that she can only hope to stop the super-majority.
Lins yells at Luucy for being an ill person and she corrects it as sick. Sharmy starts expanding his party to other countries (Schroeder).
Chuck quizzes Snoop's son on politics but he says nothing which Chuck thinks is good. The countries send a warning to Shermy that they will invade if they don't repeal the awful acts which go against the coexistence that Shermy promised to the United Nations of Peanuts and United Nations of Schulz.
Chuck asks Biole if she'll send him a valentine and she says no since she despises him. Shermy ignores the warning.
Snoop feels bad for Chuck since he needs to bend through complicated relationships that Doges don't need. Luci reforms the UNOP Front with Shroe and prepares the attack.
Chuck says that Biole not sending him a valentine is admirable but calls him a Blockhead. Shermy prepares his army.
CB 2280 Lucy 1036 Snoopy 851 Patty 664 Linus 575 Violet 478
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