Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 438; The UNOP Front Demolishes

Pe590222                   Luucy wears one of Chuck's flag shirts and imitates him so Chuck say "Why hello there Chuck, You Blockhead" which causes Batricia and Biole to fall to the ground laughing. Luci is given permission to carve her way through Shermy.
Pe590223               Chuck and Viole's children talk about phrases they hate and Snoop says the worst one is "Here, kitty kitty". Luci defeats a small portion of Shermy's army and no one escapes.
Pe590224               Luucy reads a picture book to Lins' son and says the suspense will become unbearable. Shermy's army takes a small hill hoping to gain an advantage against to of the greatest generals in the world.
Pe590225               Chucketa's son (my ancestor, that's how you'll tell the difference between Chuck's two sons) says that he's not good in arithmetic because he's best in matters of opinion. Luci and Shroe almost completely destroy Shermy's army.
Pe590226               Snoop thinks about what it would be like if Doges ruled the moon and normal Peanutians (the name for the human species) had to listen to them. Shermy stubbornly refuses to surrender so the representatives decide to treat Shermy like a non-member of the UNOP for one month.
Pe590227               Luucy calls Lins fat and he says he has a hefty stomach. Luci and Shroe leave Shermy to teach their leaders a lesson.
Pe590228               Snoop stuffs thirty-three marshmallows in his mouth. Chuck wins Schroeder but barely misses a super-majority.
CB 2287 Lucy 1042 Snoopy 856 Patty 647 Linus 583 Violet 480

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