Charlie Brown sends out a kiteboat and it sails perfectly, until it suddenly explodes for no reason whatsoever.
If I Were part 23; Linus' general tells Luci that he just saw a whirlydog and she corrects him saying it is whirlybird but then sees a fleet of Snoopians hovering above the ground with their ears.
If I Were part 24; The fleet of whirlydogs flies past Charlie Brown's army, and its general realizes that he will be annoyed the net few days.
If I Were part 25; The whirlydog fleet picks up the food shipments from Charlie Brown instead of the Snoopy Scavengers, and then its leader kisses the truck driver on the nose.
If I Were part 26; The whirlydogs fly all around Charlie Brown in a bunch of different ways which annoys virtually everyone.
If I Were Part 27; Charlie Brown sends an economy booster to Snoopy, but finds the whirlydogs returning it after it was used.
If I Were part 28; The whirleydogs all get their ears tangled up so Charlie Brownan doctors have to untangle them and scold them so the fleet is disbanded.
CB 2580 Lucy 1218 Snoopy 997 Linus 741
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