Friday, June 30, 2017

Week 442; Psychaitrist Booth

Pe590322                Lins builds a giant sand city but the rain washes it away. Chuck reveals that CPatricia was the one who found the scandal so she can testify and he can focus on campaigning.
Pe590323                Lins' son pretends to the "masked marble" but when Luucy corrects it as masked marvel he loses his confidence. Lucille gets out of her schools and begins opening her psychiatric empire.
Pe590324                Snoop dreams of food. Lucille hires Luucy as a psychiatrist in he business but Luucy begins converting it into a secret spy network.
Pe590325                Lins tells Chuck to have a nice library so he can have a pleasant word for him. Charlette starts manipulating her president into becoming subordinate.
Pe590326                 Snoop pretends to be a bloodhound when Lins' son asks Chuck what a bloodhound looks like. Lucille opens her Peanutsville office and puts Luucy ask head psychiatrist.
Pe590327               Psychiatrist Booth part 1; Chuck (the first customer) asks Luucy what he should about his depression and she says to snap out of it. (Country-level). Shermy re-enters the UNOP.
Pe590328                Luucy says girls are more important than music and Schroe says he knew she would say it. Shroe moves into Shermy to fix it.
CB 2307 Lucy 1053 Snoopy 862 Linus 595 Schroeder 473

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