Chuck tells Luucy that he would be happy if any one of his friends would tell him that they liked him, but she decides that would be hard.
Freeway part 18; Chuck delivers news to General Snith that the freeway won't begin being built until 1967 so they abandon standing waiting for it.
Lu asks the Great Piano what the most recent song it played was because she liked it, but finds out it was Beethoven which worries her.
Schroe reads to Luucy about Beethoven and she wonders who the book was actually about. Charlette decides Chuck would be best to be elected first.
Schroeder starts putting up signs announcing that there are "only" 78 more days until Beethoven's Birthday.
Luucy asks Lins what he thinks about the fact that when Lucy joined the UNOP Linus didn't exist and he says back then was fun.
A ton of leaves go down onto the Doghouse fleet which makes the soldiers hate fall. Chuck and Luucy have their final debate.
CB 2668 Lucy 1297 Snoopy 1072 Linus 838 Schroeder 535
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