Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Weeks 15-16; Bye Bye Failure Party

               Shermy’s bowling champion tries to bowl in Peanutsville the new champion site for The United Nations of Peanuts but the alley isn’t slick enough and is too long so he fails.          
               Chuck’s son talks about how baths aren’t so bad, especially when there’s no water in the tub which he says after leaving the tub after befriending some kids from a newly conquered Smartaleck city.
                In the council chamber Patty’s representative says it is really hot and the Smartaleck representative(with more power after another conquer) says are you hot and she says yes and he says she doesn’t look hot causing her to chase him.
                The leader of Shermy didn’t do his how to run a country homework so asks Patty’s leader to start a filibuster.
                Chuck watches as some dogs from Snoopy walk by and then Patty’s main representative as he remarks man’s best friend walks by along with man’s biggest worry.
                Chuck’s son says to Patty’s main representative that he’d like to be a roughneck but he’s not strong enough.
CB 60 Shermy 47 Patty 62 Snoopy 33
                After more of Smartaleck is captured by Charlie Brown the son of Smartaleck’s representative asks the representative of the Motherly party for a glass of water and she says to say please bring me a glass of water and he says he asked her first. Also the Failure party is dissolved later that day with the Young Boy party under question.
                A business man from CB asks “shovel your walk?” To the leader of Patty and she asks how much he charges to do it but he only rents out the shovel.
                Chuck asks the representative of the Motherly party if he can come in to her house but she has him clean all the snow off him so he leaves.
                The kids of the Pro-merge parties representatives decide to have a sleigh ride but the Shermian kids have to pull the sleigh. Also a deadline is set for the Educator and Young Boy parties, if they don’t appear in the archives by the end of February they will be dissolved
                Chuck’s son is crying because his shoes are to tight and the representative of the Motherly party and other Boy party are worried but then find out it’s just his shoe.
                Chuck is wearing a really long tie and a dog from Snoopy stands on it so he asks for help from Patty’s main representative who doesn’t help.
CB 65 Shermy 49 Patty 68 Snoopy 34

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