Friday, February 26, 2016

Weeks 21-22; Violet Begins To Conquer MudPie

                Chuck asks who let dogs from Snoopy in the council chamber and Patricia says they have a right to be in the council chamber.
                The representative of the Bully party has the representative of the Young Boy party say ah and he agrees thinking she is the Motherly representative and asks her if he’ll live and she says doesn’t know because she was looking for the ball she lost.
                Chuck get’s mad at his radio for not having any good programs and a Shermian mechanic asks what is wrong with it and Chuck tells him.
                Chuck asks Violet’s representative (Viole) when her birthday was and she says it was last month and he wishes he knew her than he would have gotten her something and she replies that couldn’t they make it retroactive.
                Chuck was looking in the mirror and thinks he needs a shave but it turns out it was only dirt so he tells Viole about it.
                Violet claims the country’s first part of MudPie (The Rise and Fall of Violet) and the cooks give one of the locals best foods to Chuck who tries it and doesn’t like it since it has coconut on it.
CB 95 Shermy 57 Patty 82 Snoopy 44 Violet 7
                Viole’s daughter and Chuck’s son decide to play house and the father will have to do everything the mother tells him too and Chuck’s son doesn't like that it has to be so realistic.
                The representative for the Motherly Party (who happens to be Patricia’s mom) asks Chuck why he’s eating so much food just before bed because he’ll have nightmares and he replies that he get’s bored with plain old sleeping.
                Sherm and Patricia bet each other tons of money on if the Educator party or Failure party will be featured in the archives when Chuck comes in with a penny blowing their minds. The Educator party is not saved nor is the Failure party, though there leaders stay in Peanutsville with the former acting as it always does due to Shermy not really running itself well and the latter because when it was stripped of being a party the first time it stayed there so why now.

                Some Snoopy scavengers hear Chuck eating ice cream and ask for some.
                Violet conquers more of MudPie but the new mudpies fell in the dirt ruining them.
CB 101 Shermy 59 Patty 84 Snoopy 45 Violet 9

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