Saturday, February 27, 2016

Weeks 23-24; Violet Becomes Second-Rate Member

                Patricia sees Viole with a fancy gadget and wishes she had one of them and improvises with some stuff from Snoopy. Later that day Patricia overhears Viole talking to Violet’s leader about something only independent countries care about and votes for her to be an independent country ( a vote of confidence).
                Charlie Brown’s baseball champion (a catcher) practices by yelling at Shermy’s champion (a pitcher) to pitch the ball to him.
                A builder from Charlie Brown (who lives in Peanutsville) tries to build a workbench but can’t since he doesn’t have a workbench to build it on. Later he tells Viole about his problem.
                Patricia is typing when Sherm comes along and says he didn’t know she could type and she responds that she could type a hundred letters a minute but just couldn’t make them words.
                Chuck buys a new wastebasket and unwraps it in front of Patricia and he wonders what to do with the wrapping paper and she tells him to throw it in the wastebasket.
                After conquering more of MudPie Violet decides t split into 2 political parties MudPie and Young Girl( Young girl’s representative is Viole MudPie’s is Muddy). Muddy loses her mudpie recipe and tells Chuck. The Young Boy party is back under debate if it should be a political party, deadline for archive appearance is on the last of February.
CB 105 Shermy 61 Patty 87 Snoopy 46 Violet 11
                Chuck talks to his Snoopy dog from the new owner?diplomat pack about why dogs never wash their hands then concludes that it wouldn’t do them much good since they’d have to walk on them again. Also around the time Charlie Brown’s flag get’s a bit rounder of a top.
                Patricia and Viole who are lazy are walking and say they want to be grandmothers since all they do is sit and rock, but since first they have to be a wife then a mother it is hard. Later Patricia recruits Viole to help her find out why Shermy captured the hatehim island. Also the first time the countries of Patty and Violet interact (The Rise and Fall of Violet).
                After finding out that Shermian rebels captured the hatehim island reported them to Shermy’s leader and watched them be punished Viole asks Chuck to hang a picture for her in the council. He does so since he is "mechanically minded".
                SmartA tells Patricia that one of her admirers is at the door, after more of Smartaleck is conquered, but it is a dog from Snoopy causing Patricia to chase SmartA.
                Chuck tells his son it is time for a bath and he pretends to hate it but it is just an act and Chuck knows it so his son has to take a bath.
The representative of the Young Boy party is eating with Patricia’s mom (the representative for the Motherly party) and decides to eat dessert first but Patricia’s mom stops him since it would ruin his dinner and he replies he would feel a lot worse if his dinner ruined his dessert. The Young Boy party lives.
CB 110 Shermy 61 Patty 90 Snoopy 48 Violet 13

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