Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Week 126;

           A Charlie Brownan sculptor tells a Pattian art critic that he is a perfectionist and a person who overdoes things when he shows her all the winter sculpts he's made that day. A best sculpt category is added to the Awards For Outstanding Art.
Peanuts                   Lucille tells CPatricia that in psychiatry she finger painted her emotions but hers was all thumbs. The Hollywood of the UNOP is began to built near Peanutsville.
Peanuts               A food shipment is sent to Charlie Brown but Snoopy takes over the truck and gets the food but a new one is sent over and it makes it.
Peanuts                Luucy tells Chuck why you shouldn't cut bread and butter sandwiches and he pledges to never cut one ever again. Luucy and Lucille create the Bread an' Butter Fold club with them and Chuck as members.
Peanuts                Chuck tells Snoop that he wouldn't want to be at a dogfight in his clothes but Schroe tells him Snoop was on his way to one. Shroe gets 5,000 men from Lucy.
Peanuts               SmartA "proves" that men are better than women by statistics that he made up. Later SmartA finds statistics that say 0% of people think men are better than women and 0% think the other way around.
Peanuts                 Lucille quits psychiatry since she doesn't learn how to be a psychiatrist but CPatricia convinces her to rejoin. The website (internet already exists) is created with Lucille, Luucy, and SmartA the first people to join it.
CB 770 Patty 381 Snoopy 213 Schroeder 106  Lucy 125

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