Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 109; The True Lucinian War

Peanuts               Snoop,Chuck, and Schroe try to scare Luucy but she is able to scare them instead. Later the navy gets the countries of North Peanuts to think that the Outsiders are brutal so they don't try to save them and restart the war.
Peanuts                 Charlie Brown has the army of Snoopy get an economy booster but Linus gets it instead. Later Lucy declares war on everyone because its leaders want to.
Peanuts               Luucy has Chuck watch her stand on one leg but he doesn't want to so she threatens to have his home town attacks so he watches her but she doesn't want to. Later Lucy attacks The UNOP Front which includes Luci who becomes a citizen of Linus so she can stay a soldier.
Peanuts               The Grand Library of Charlie Brown is attacked and they blame Linus (it was Lucy) but Violet's leader defends them since the army was just sitting around the capitol and were innocent by-sitters.
Peanuts               Chuck carves a pumpkin and Luucy comes and asks which is him or the pumpkin so he hits her with it. Later The UNOP Front prepares to defend the rest of The United Nations of Peanuts from Lucy.
Peanuts               Schroe and SmartA's sons go trick or treating at CPatricia's house but she doesn't give them any candy. Later Shroe and Luci start to train new members of the army to fight against Lucy's brilliant army.
               SmartA's son tries to scare CPatricia but she tells him Halloween was the day before and he said his laundry didn't come back until that day. Later the UNOP decides to get artillery from North Peanuts since Lucy had stopped giving them some.
CB 683 Patty 344 Snoopy 190 Violet 159 Schroeder 88 Lucy 75 Linus 8

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