Monday, September 5, 2016

Week 233; Sorry That I've Been Gone

So why have I disappeared for a awhile, very big problems happened everyone had to deal with it we had to deal with it for entire days.
NR: Computer problems
               Chuck and Schroe are noticing how high Luucy's kite is and then sees that its tiny. Luci decides she wants a daughter, We only now about that through interviews and diary entrees.

Peanuts               Luucy tells Chuck that when she graduated from college she was voted most likely to fuss. The head of the other side of the bill starts talking to Luci's sides leader for a compromise agreement.
Peanuts                       Luucy quotes a bunch of fussing quotes. The two sides decide to loosen up the gun ban for civilians and add a clause letting chosen bodyguards have them.
Peanuts                  Patty and Violet are noticing how Snoopy's control center has been updated and how they're lucky that the hearing station is made of a special metal.
Peanuts                   Charlie Brown starts reading a biography of Beethoven and the citizens go crazy over it. Luci finds a special metal in Lucy that is very powerful and starts trying to experiment with it.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown is reading to Schroeder and they get mad at Luucy after a women insults Beethoven. Luci adds blockhead energy to the metal and throws it at the enemy and it blows up.
Peanuts               Luucy says that she feels sorry for Chuck and he chases her because she terribly insulted him. Charlette recovers the metal and starts turning it into a more stable bomb.
CB 1335 Patty 539 Snoopy 415 Lucy 414 Violet 311 Schroeder 246

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