Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 259; Hostages

Peanuts               Luci tries to give some coconut shipments to Snoopy scavengers but they are refused because Snoopians don't like it.
Peanuts                Luucy is Chuck's caddy and replaces the divot and she notices that its still warm. Luci reaches then next base and captures Charlette's lieutenant.
Peanuts                 Luucy shows Lins' son how to break in a new set of crayons. Luci sends a message to Charlette about how many people she has captured and is holding them for ransom.
Peanuts                Chuck's son gets everything wrong in class because he thought that as long as he was sincere it didn't matter.
Peanuts               Sick in Bed Part 1;Lins is sick and since that the doctor is coming in a car and not a truck he must not be too sick. Charlette responds that she should kill the hostages.
Peanuts               Sick in Bed Part 2;Lins' refuses the doctors stick since he thinks ice cream had been eaten off of it. Luci decides to tell the hostages what Charlette said so they will join her.
Peanuts               Sick in Bed Part 3; Chuck asks Luucy about Lins and thinks he's sick but she says that since he's one or two years younger he recovers fast. The hostages decide to work for Luci and start hunting Charlette
CB 1462 Patty 559 Snoopy 466 Lucy 496 Linus 134

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