Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 247; Battles Moving

Peanuts                   Snoopy steals some Charlie Brown and Violetian supplies but Luci's forces take them out and get the stuff back easily.
Peanuts               The medic from last week tells the rain to go away till when its convenient. Lucy's male general decides to help Luci since Charlette has besieged his home.
Peanuts               Chuck is amazed by Lins' creation of a card castle and shows it to Luucy and she's amazed but asks if its art. Luci starts trying to communicate to some allies to come and help the besieged city.
 Peanuts              Luucy is jump roping and makes it to 50 and impresses Chuck but he asks if its art. Shroe realizes a lot of Charlette's forces have left so he decides to prepare to attack the main force.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown tries to borrow a Kite Ship from Violet but doesn't like how it looks so its returned back to Violet.
Peanuts               Luucy tells Chuck that she will fix her mistakes with excuses. Shroe starts trying to communicate to Luci for plans as she's doing the same thing.
Peanuts                Chuck builds a bird house and shows it to Sherm who asks why its on the ground and he says it has a recreation room. Luci's ally generals realize that she needs help so they head to her instead of Shroe.
CB 1414 Snoopy 434 Lucy 462 Violet 329 Shermy 188 Linus 106

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