Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 253; Some Baseball

Peanuts                 Pig-Pen's baseball champion ( Piggy) hits a ball during practice and Snooy grabs it for no reason so Chuckson grabs him and throws him to Schroed to get him out but Piggy is safe. Luci starts marching her army and anyone who's ready ( except Shroe and the male general, they stay behind to get everyone else going) to Lucy.
270 and 34, Do you have any idea whats happening, go back to the beginning below http://iftheywerecountries.blogspot.com/2016/02/weeks-1-2-beggining.html
Peanuts               Biole doesn't invite Chuck to her party and nyahhs at him, he tells Schulz's wife that the party isn't the problem, its the nyahhs that annoy him. Luci reaches Lucy and prepares her new base to take over Lucy... Again.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown gives a economy booster to Snoopy and it's too big so they have to drag it to Snoopy. Schulz heads back to Snoopy's scavengers and has the Li'l Folksians leave to their homes.
Peanuts               CPatricia and Chuck look at the stars but go inside when they feel insignificant. Luci finishes up her base and starts marching on Lucy taking many cities over in one day.
Peanuts                Linus tries to set up a boat but Snoopy sends it off far away accidentally and it took years for anyone to come back (two people came back in 1960, they ate everyone else and wrote a book about it which became a bestseller, they were then arrested and killed for cannibalism).
Peanuts               Chuckson is annoyed that the game was rained out and Luc says that her husband said they needed rain so he tells her to shut up. Shroe gets annoyed and brings whoever is ready with him to Luci.
Peanuts               Luucy asks Chuck a riddle and he doesn't know so she tells him, but she said one of the clues to make it harder. Luci takes out a few more towns and begins consolidating what she took.
CB 1438 Patty 557 Snoopy 450 Lucy 478 Violet 333 Schroeder 270 Linus 118 Pig-Pen 34

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