Friday, March 10, 2017

Week 362; War Resumes

Pe570908                 Lins' son tickles Snoop so he laughs until he goes to sleep. Charlie Brown's army defeats Blockheads army and takes over Blockhead.
Pe570909               Luucy asks Schroe what he would do if she said that there was no room in their house for his piano and they were married but he scares her away. Charlette sends her army to retake Blockhead.
Pe570910               When Luucy's daughter's teacher asks how the class should be run she answers mob-rule. Luucy proposes that the UNOP begin martial law due to the high perceived danger in this war.
Pe570911               Chuck asks Biole if she hates him and says that if she liked him she wouldn't hate him. The Pre's start working on their plan again.
Pe570912                 Lucy's guard army scares a Linusian militia away from it and take over a portion of the wall. Later Luci sends a message to them forcing them to leave.
Pe570913               Chuck tells Luucy that he wants to be recognized for his talents but she just asks what happened to crab-grass. Luci sends a message to Peanutsville that she would not accept martial law in less she felt the threat was great enough which she didn't feel then.
Pe570914                 Snoop complains that he was born a Doge saying that he has no chance. Charlette's army reaches Blockhead and retakes it.
CB 1967 Lucy 826 Snoopy 681 Violet 428 Schroeder 383 Linus 365

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