Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 378; If I Were A Penguin

Pe571229               Snoop slides back and forth on ice before hitting his head on the ground. Charlette makes peace before retreating to the Outsiders.
Pe571230               Schroe is listening to music which annoys Snoop. Charlette finds out that Violet conquered Blockhead throughout all of this and prepares to free it.
Pe571231                 If I Were... part 6; Lins and Chuck talk about penguins so Snoop starts imitating one. Charlette attacks Violet to get to Blockhead.
Pe580101                If I Were... part 7; When Chuck and Lins see Snoop as a penguin walk by Chuck says that's the only penguin with long black ears. Luci moves The UNOP Front to Blockhead to reinforce it while the other armies make sure the other Outsiders don't try anything.
Pe580102               If I Were part 8; Lins reads about how penguins welcome humans colonizing their native continent Snoop hugs him. Charlette puts Blockhead to siege.
Pe580103                If I Were... part 9; When Lins starts reading about penguins Snoop does what he reads about. The Pre's decide to block off Charlette's supply line in Violet.
Pe580104               If I Were... part 10; When Snoop pretending to be a penguin gets cold feet Chuck has to carry him home. Charlette is forced to escape in a secret tunnel made by Blockhead.
CB 2037 Snoopy 722 Schroeder 411 Linus 413

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