Friday, June 30, 2017

Week 442; Psychaitrist Booth

Pe590322                Lins builds a giant sand city but the rain washes it away. Chuck reveals that CPatricia was the one who found the scandal so she can testify and he can focus on campaigning.
Pe590323                Lins' son pretends to the "masked marble" but when Luucy corrects it as masked marvel he loses his confidence. Lucille gets out of her schools and begins opening her psychiatric empire.
Pe590324                Snoop dreams of food. Lucille hires Luucy as a psychiatrist in he business but Luucy begins converting it into a secret spy network.
Pe590325                Lins tells Chuck to have a nice library so he can have a pleasant word for him. Charlette starts manipulating her president into becoming subordinate.
Pe590326                 Snoop pretends to be a bloodhound when Lins' son asks Chuck what a bloodhound looks like. Lucille opens her Peanutsville office and puts Luucy ask head psychiatrist.
Pe590327               Psychiatrist Booth part 1; Chuck (the first customer) asks Luucy what he should about his depression and she says to snap out of it. (Country-level). Shermy re-enters the UNOP.
Pe590328                Luucy says girls are more important than music and Schroe says he knew she would say it. Shroe moves into Shermy to fix it.
CB 2307 Lucy 1053 Snoopy 862 Linus 595 Schroeder 473

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Week 441; A Pattian Scandal

Pe590315               Lins builds a giant cannon out of sand after Luucy destroys his giant castle. Luucy starts easily discrediting Sno because he supports the type of stuff Shermy did.
Pe590316               Chuck shows Lins a globe but attacks him with it when he says the planet is actually pear shaped. Sno starts funding charities to support Shermy for the next 11 days.
Pe590317               Snoop has nightmares because he ate pizza before bed. CPatricia finds a Pattian scandal that incriminates many member of Luucy's party.
The scandal is that many members of the Bully parties gave funding to Lucy while it was allied with The Outsiders (the money actually went to the fake assassination of the male general but CPatricia doesn't know that).
Pe590318               Lins' son builds a pool table with a small tool kit. CPatricia gives the scandal information to Chuck to show to Charlie Brown which he does.
Pe590319                Lins' son tells Chuck that his pool table is made of his blanket. Impeachment proceedings threaten many members of Luucy's party throughout the UNOP.
Pe590320               The Great Piano plays Haydn's "surprise" symphony which shocks Snoop. Chuck starts focusing on the scandal knowing it will help him.
Pe590321                Chucketa's son wants to save his first dollar but buys a balloon. Luucy starts searching for a scandal to effect Chuck.
CB 2304 Lucy 1050 Snoopy 860 Linus 591 Schroeder 472

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Week 440; Library Ends

Pe590308                Lins' son pounds a stake into his blanket. Charlie Brown finds out that the country they rented the book from doesn't know about the missing book.
Pe590309               Library part 7; Chuck try's to call the country they rented the book from to tell it of the situation but thinks it will attack Charlie Brown.
Pe590310               Library part 8; Chuck has an awful dream about the country attacking Charlie Brown. The organized crime of Shermy starts being absorbed into the rebel groups.
Pe590311                Library part 9; Chuck talks about in how book stealing cases the book stealee often wins. Shermy makes its police force into an army.
Pe590312                 Library part 10; Chuck writes a letter in apology to the country asking for no attack to come to Brown or the rest of The UNOP but doesn't send it.
Pe590313                  Library 11; The translator of the book discovers it in his refrigerator. A poll of the people of The UNOP (except for most of Shermy) show Sharmy at an all-time low in polls even ignoring Shermian votes from previous polls.
Pe590314               Snoop's ears are hurt by a jet breaking the sound barrier above him. Polls of Luucy show one seat in the legislature belonging to a member of Chuck's party.
CB 2299 Lucy 1047 Snoopy 858 Linus 587 Violet 482

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Week 439; Library

Pe590301                Chuck's son try's to fly a kite but it won't fly but his hat will so Lins suggests he fly the hat and wear the kite. Brown starts secretly phasing Sally Brown out of province-hood.
Pe590302               Library part 1; Charlie Brown loses its copy of a book for its grand library and when Chuck tells that to Luucy she calls it a dead duck.
NR: This counts a country-level event.
Pe590303               Library part 2; Chuck laments that countries are supposed to rent out books for their grand libraries. Chuck starts campaigning to limit Luucy's power in Lucy for better political affect.
Pe590304               Library part 3; Luucy tells Chuck that library's countries rent books from are people too. Luucy starts showing the irresponsibility of Charlie Brown.
Pe590305               Library part 4; In commercials Luucy calls Charlie Brown a thief for losing their rented book copy. Landlord starts manipulating Shermy.
Pe590306               Library part 5; Chuck yells at Violatian reporters accusing him of stealing the book. Shermy's government begs the UNoS for help but they decide to alienate it until the UNOP ends the alienation.
Pe590307               Library part 6; Chuck tries to explain Charlie Brown's situations to Snoopian reporters but they fall asleep.
CB 2294 Lucy 1046 Snoopy 857 Linus 584 Violet 481

Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 438; The UNOP Front Demolishes

Pe590222                   Luucy wears one of Chuck's flag shirts and imitates him so Chuck say "Why hello there Chuck, You Blockhead" which causes Batricia and Biole to fall to the ground laughing. Luci is given permission to carve her way through Shermy.
Pe590223               Chuck and Viole's children talk about phrases they hate and Snoop says the worst one is "Here, kitty kitty". Luci defeats a small portion of Shermy's army and no one escapes.
Pe590224               Luucy reads a picture book to Lins' son and says the suspense will become unbearable. Shermy's army takes a small hill hoping to gain an advantage against to of the greatest generals in the world.
Pe590225               Chucketa's son (my ancestor, that's how you'll tell the difference between Chuck's two sons) says that he's not good in arithmetic because he's best in matters of opinion. Luci and Shroe almost completely destroy Shermy's army.
Pe590226               Snoop thinks about what it would be like if Doges ruled the moon and normal Peanutians (the name for the human species) had to listen to them. Shermy stubbornly refuses to surrender so the representatives decide to treat Shermy like a non-member of the UNOP for one month.
Pe590227               Luucy calls Lins fat and he says he has a hefty stomach. Luci and Shroe leave Shermy to teach their leaders a lesson.
Pe590228               Snoop stuffs thirty-three marshmallows in his mouth. Chuck wins Schroeder but barely misses a super-majority.
CB 2287 Lucy 1042 Snoopy 856 Patty 647 Linus 583 Violet 480

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Week 437; The Shermian Civil War Resumes

Pe590215                    One of Charlie Brown's kiteboats crashes into a Linusian and Lucinian ice sculpture. The UNOP Front attacks Shermy.
This comic can be found working at Gocomics Peanuts February 15 1959
Pe590216                  Linus gets the wall after Lucy cleaned it up but the armies are hurt because it was hot. Shermy tries to ask the rest of The United Nations of Schulz for help.
Pe590217               Luucy tells Lins' son that there are germs on his blanket but since they are on different sides it doesn't matter. Rebel groups in Shermy suddenly erupt causing chaos on both sides.
Pe590218                 Linus tries to have Charlie Brown take control of the wall and hide it but when they ask for it Charlie Brown gives it up.
Pe590219               Linus retries trying to have Charlie Brown take the wall but it fails again. The UNoS refuses to help Shermy because they have done nothing to help progress.
Pe590220                Snoopy steals Linus' wall and the leader of it says its a great way to travel. Luci, reluctant to destroy Shermy, sends one more message for surrender to Shermy.
Pe590221                 Snoop starts barking even though he was nothing to say but stops because he has nothing to say. Shermy refuses to surrender.
CB 2283 Lucy 1039 Snoopy 853 Linus 581

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Week 436; Tensions Excelate

Pe590208                Snoop steals Lins mitten but it covers his face. Chuck focuses on Schroeder's election hoping to win his third Super-majority.
Pe590209               Luucy counts how many seconds older Chuck is than when they met which drives him mad. Luucy decides that she can only hope to stop the super-majority.
Pe590210               Lins yells at Luucy for being an ill person and she corrects it as sick. Sharmy starts expanding his party to other countries (Schroeder).
Pe590211               Chuck quizzes Snoop's son on politics but he says nothing which Chuck thinks is good. The countries send a warning to Shermy that they will invade if they don't repeal the awful acts which go against the coexistence that Shermy promised to the United Nations of Peanuts and United Nations of Schulz.
Pe590212                Chuck asks Biole if she'll send him a valentine and she says no since she despises him. Shermy ignores the warning.
Pe590213               Snoop feels bad for Chuck since he needs to bend through complicated relationships that Doges don't need. Luci reforms the UNOP Front with Shroe and prepares the attack.
Pe590214               Chuck says that Biole not sending him a valentine is admirable but calls him a Blockhead. Shermy prepares his army.
CB 2280 Lucy 1036 Snoopy 851 Patty 664 Linus 575 Violet 478

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Week 435; Chuck Overwhelmingly Wins Linus

Pe590201                 Lins plays Christmas carols which annoys Luucy to no end. The election for Linus is scheduled for the end of the week.
Pe590202                Face part 1; Luucy says that she doesn't like Chuck's face because its so facey. Luucy starts campaigning in Snoopy.
Pe590203                 Face part 2; Luucy tells Chuck that the thing wrong with his face is that it has no character, it is a face face. Luucy starts funding Luci's protests.
Pe590204               Face part 3; Luucy says that Snoop's face has character but Chuck says that's just hair. An awful act that bans anything coming into the country.
Pe590205                Face part 4; Chuck says that Snoop doesn't have a good face but it has character which is better than his. Luucy decides that they need to declare war on Shermy to stop these awful acts.
Pe590206                  Face part 5; Lins tells Chuck to ignore Luucy, he did that year ago. The representatives agree and ask the country's for permission.
Pe590207                Lins' son has Snoop catch a clay ball. Chuck's party wins a super-majority in Linus which is the second one won since the constitutional convention.
CB 2275 Lucy 1034 Snoopy 848 Linus 574