Monday, July 3, 2017

Week 445; The Male General Reveals Himself

Pe590412                Linus' wall is heated by cleaning which hurts forces of Linus and Snoopy due to the heat after it was cleaned.
Pe590413               Mr. Manager part 37; Chuckson gives a speech to his team, but only Snop showed up. Luucy finds out that the dead Male General was a clone and reveals it.
Pe590414              Mr. Manager part 38;  Luc talks about baseball teams their team doesn't face which annoys Chuckson. Luci starts searching for The Male General.
Pe590415               Mr. Manager part 39; Luc is playing in the rocks but Chuckson yells at her to pay attention to practice. The Male General decides to reveal himself to Luci.
Pe590416               Mr. Manager part 40; Lin hides his blanket on his head. The Male General "reveals" that he escaped assassination via the clone and Luci comes to his fort with his (fake) troops
Pe590417               Mr. Manager part 41; Luc says she will do whatever Chuckson tells her but is mad when he tells her to be an outfielder. The Male General leaves but leaves a clone who is programed to believe that he died decades ago and the dead clone was his replacement.
Pe590418               Mr. Manager part 42; Luc and Patty's champion discuss what the M on Chuckson's shirt mean. Charlette attacks the Male General's fort to try to kill Luci since she supplied the soldiers and knows the Male General there is a clone.
CB 2317 Lucy 1068 Snoopy 870 Patty 649 Linus 601 Schroeder 476

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