Saturday, June 11, 2016

Week 174; The Country of April's Plan

Peanuts               Lucy attacks food shipments to Linus, the Great Piano, Violet's government collection, a Charlie Brownan art gallery, a big Shermian marbles tournament and a Pattian art store so they chase it into The UNOP Front so they are destroyed, this is not reported to Lucy.
Peanuts               Chuck tells Sherm everyone is watching 3D movies and then sees Snoop walking home with 3-D glasses. The rebel party is destroyed and a leader of Shermy chosen.
Peanuts               The Charlie Brownan army is warm in their winter supplies, but can't move. Linus finally takes control of its country and defeats its mercenaries.
Peanuts               The Charlie Brownan army figures out how to move around and then sees Snoopy's army without winter supplies. Patty begins making talks with The Country of April to join The UNOP.
Peanuts               A Snoopian is chasing a hockey puck and then gets hit by a Charlie Brownan goalie. Lucy starts sabotaging potential new members of the UNOP by cutting off supply lines.
Peanuts                              Violet and Patty exclude Charlie Brown from a party and it finds a way to make it a positive. The Country of April says no to Patty since its economy is dropping due to Lucy.
                 Snoopy is forced to make a tunnel for Charlie Brown, then move it. The Country of April realizes Lucy is attacking it so it secretly begins coordinating with other countries that said no to start raiding Lucy.
CB 1032 Patty 463 Snoopy 312 Lucy 243 Violet 241 Schroeder 174 Shermy 174 Linus 52

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