Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Week 184; Help For Smartaleck

Peanuts               Luucy gets overwhelmed by the stars when she tries to count the stars. Schroedermy is healed and attacks Smartaleck.
Peanuts               Lucy tries to escape giving supplies to Snoopy, and fails miserably. Those supplies are used to keep Snoopy's citizens from needing help from their army.
Peanuts               Chuck is listening to static and Schroe offers to fix and Chuck chases him out since he likes to listen to it. Smartaleck defeats The Yard and Schroedermy again.
Peanuts                 Charlie Brown tries to send an economy booster but Snoopy stops it quickly. Smartaleck restores communication and asks Yor to help, which it does.
Peanuts               Chuckson has Schroed tape the baseball making it bigger than the original. Yor reaches the mainland and starts marching to Smartaleck.
                Luucy reads a sign and thinks her mother put it there. Yor reaches Smartaleck and defeats Blockhead and sends food to citizens of it.
Peanuts                Chuck asks Lucille if Lins likes TV and she says he only watches Test Pattern. The UNOP make a rule that only child countries can join it.
CB 1083 Patty 476 Snoopy 330 Lucy 264 Schroeder 187 Linus 64

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