Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 234; Charlette Is Now A General

Peanuts                  Chuck and Schroe are playing marbles and Luucy wants to play and Chuck says okay and she loses and she destroys the marbles. Shroe starts working with scientific things along with Luci.
Peanuts               Chuck's son gets mad that he didn't get money for his paper in English. Chucketa is sent to the hospital with her baby, my Great times 1,000 grandfather.
Peanuts                 Chuck is dressing up like Martown but then sees Snoop dressing up like someone from Mars and kicks the helmet. Chucketa gives birth to her son and names him Check.
Peanuts               SmartA uses a whistle that only Doges can hear and then he plays it proving it to Schroe. Charlette becomes a general.
Peanuts                      Luucy is looking out for a bug crossing a street but Chuck doesn't see it and she asks if the bug made it. Luci finds out that Charlette became a general and starts rushing her army to fight knowing that she is very intelligent.
Peanuts                    Linus and Snoopy are sharing the wall and then Snoopy takes over the wall and Linus prepares to get it back.
97 ( for now until Linus gets real big I'll be counting his appearances).
Peanuts               SmartA is saying that he told Viole something and she asks what it is and he says he doesn't know but he knows he did. Linus retakes the wall.
CB 1341 Patty 540 Snoopy 418 Lucy 416 Violet 312 Schroeder 247 Linus 97

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