Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 243; Second Attack

Peanuts                 Chuckson runs through an entire neighborhood but still can't catch the ball and it falls out of his hand and he gets mad.
Peanuts               Luucy's daughter watches Patricia's and Viole's daughter skating and is sad that she can't. Luci and Shroe launch their second attack on Charlotte Braun.
Peanuts                The generals of The UNOP Front are pretty hurt and they think that they're must be a bug since they are all brilliant.
Peanuts                 Luucy's daughter gets really mad about her roller skates and destroys them. Luci decides that she is ready to consolidate her wins and ends the attack.
Peanuts               Luucy's daughter says she wants to learn homemaking in Kindergarten. Charlette realizes that she's at a disadvantage since Luci is at the attack and she decides to try to find a way to attack her stronger and more versatile base.
Peanuts                      Luucy learns how to skate and Chuck watches her and then sees Snoop fly by on one too. Luci calls upon the healed generals to create a new attack plan.
Peanuts               Muddy sets up a  mud pie stand with crabgrass as a topping. Charlette decides to send a few smaller bombs to the fort of the UNOP.
CB 1392 Patty 549 Snoopy 430 Lucy 448 Violet 324

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