Saturday, December 24, 2016

Week 293; Lucy Tries To Conquer Itself

Peanuts                Charlie Brown tries to send a kiteboat but it gets so lost the crew escapes and destroys it with fire. The crew gets captured by Charlette and enslaved.
Peanuts                Charlie Brown begins a vaccination event for the country and then was attacked by raiders. The Lucinian government has the shards of its army try to conquer Lucy.
Peanuts               Snoopy builds new boots called toenails. Lucy closes in on the Outsiders and Luci tries to find the head negotiator.
Peanuts               Lucy's "leader" is stopped from defending from Lucy's army by Van Pelt pulling it's control over it causing Lucy's army to conquer much of it.
Peanuts                Lins tries to use a magic trick but fails utterly. Shroe finds out about Van Pelt's intervention of the conquering and marches to Lucy.
Peanuts               Biole refuses to walk with Lins and his blanket so he turns it into a tie. Shroe reaches Lucy's government, which is trying to leave for Lucy, and traps them.
Peanuts               Batricia and Biole use Chuck as a perfect example for a kind of person. Shroe captures the government and tells Lucy about it.
CB 1625 Lucy 596 Patty 590 Snoopy 532 Violet 380 Schroeder 321 Linus 220 Shermy 205

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