Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Week 302; Peace Between UNOP And The Outsiders

Peanuts                Linu catches a ball after jumping through a jump rope and Chuckson calls it the greatest catch ever. The Charlie Brownan army heads to Charlotte Braun.
243 332
Peanuts               Luci tries to convince Linus to shut down the wall saying that it will be useless when the wall is 10, 20 or 30 years old, a kid of the communicator intercepts it and says countries don't last that long ( Luci was wrong).
Peanuts                Luci tries to convince Linus to stop blocking the roadway shipments since it will break the roads, and the leader retorts would she rather Linus have broken roads or a corrupt government.
Peanuts               Chuck builds a birdhouse and Sherm tells him what he's supposed to do and he says that he's never done anything right in his life and he's not going to start then. Charlie Brown's army reaches Shroe and attacks Charlette.
Peanuts                Viole tells Luucy that her great-grandmother had 15 children and Luucy says her automatic washer was going day and night. Luci finishes the peace treaty giving The UNOP veto power in all decisions and only defense military for The Outsiders. The Outsiders gain the ability to not being attacked.
Peanuts                       CPatricia tells Chuck's son that all children suffer a severe sense of inferiority and he agrees so much that she runs away. The Outsider negotiators are set free to tell the rest of the Outsiders.
Peanuts                         Chuck gives a rant to Viole and cries because of it. Shroe hears about the peace treaty and leaves Charlotte Braun for Schroeder.
CB 1664 Lucy 629 Patty 593 Violet 387 Schroeder 332 Linus 245 Shermy 206

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