Sunday, July 3, 2016

Week 189; Ultimate War Engaged

Peanuts                 Chuck tells Luucy she should join an amateur women's golf champion. The United Militia reaches Lucy and so the ultimate battle begins.
Peanuts               Chuck notices Luucy is eating cereal in  the afternoon but she says she's eating jelly beans. After most of the UNOP has been repaired much of the help portion of  the North heads for the main battle.
Peanuts               Chuckson is practicing in the field and the ball goes over his head. The giant tunnel system is completed.
Peanuts                Chucks son is swinging and falls off so he has to go home to the hospital. The rest of the North reaches Lucy.
Peanuts                Luucy offers jelly beans to SmartA and she reveals that she's been carrying them in her hand all day. The UNOP begin a new encirclement to not fail.
Peanuts               Luucy yells about how she hates everyone including herself. The North start distracting the Outsiders and Lucy so the UNOP can surround them.
Peanuts               Chuck attacks a radio because it mentions coconut. The North starts to bring Lucy into the encirclement so they're trapped.
CB 1109 Lucy 276 Violet 262 Schroeder 196

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