Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week 195; No Alliance, But Its Offered

Peanuts                 The UNOP secretly tells Lucy that they will make an alliance with it but not the Outsiders. Lucy starts a secret session of the government  to decide what to do.
Peanuts                  Lucy is helping Snoopy but it almost collapses. Lucy gets it back up and keeps sending supplies to Snoopy.
Peanuts               The UNOP baseball team is practicing and Chuckson is able to be safe. Lucy gets 1 third support for an alliance with the UNOP, they need to decide by the end of the week and get two thirds majority.
Peanuts                    Biole writes who loves who in Peanutsville on a fence. The Great Piano defense system reaches the Outsiders and starts attacking it.
Peanuts               Chuck and Schroe's sons trade cards Chuck's trades baseball and Schroe's trades pianist cards. Lucy gets a majority to help the UNOP.
Peanuts                                  Snoopy lowers the water level of a Schroedarian lake. The War Party starts trying to win people over to not make an alliance with the UNOP.
Peanuts                Chuck's son shows Viole a perfect sandbox, except it has no sand. Lucy is forced to not accept the offer of an alliance.
CB 1139 Patty 488 Snoopy 353 Lucy 298 Violet 268 Schroeder 204

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