Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week 192; The Security Blanket

Peanuts                Luucy is about to win the golf tournament but she has something scheduled so she leaves. SmartA convinces Violet to officially become Violet Grey.
Peanuts                  Luucy asks Chuck if he likes coconut and he says no and she finishes the candy she's eating and says they were chocolate creams. Linus builds a giant wall and makes a law that says in respect for the wall everyone must hold a security blanket.
Peanuts                Chuck and Luucy are wondering why Lins is holding a blanket and Luucy thinks that its for security and when Chuck tries it he feels like an idiot. Linus starts working on the wall making more friendly and defensive and less intimidating.
 Peanuts              Charlie Brown figures out about the wall. Chuck and Lucille talk about how the wall works and Lucille tells him about its defenses but then says the problem is Van Pelt keeps shutting off its defenses.
Peanuts               Charlie Brown is sending a food shipment through Snoopy and the Snoopy scavengers cars start heading after the truck while its drivers are sleeping.
               CPatricia's daughter and Chuck's son are playing hide and seek for the first time since he got out of the hospital. Linus sends a representative to Van Pelt since the parent country of a child one has some control over it and the goal of the representative is to keep control of the wall.
Peanuts               The Water portion of the Yard individually attacks Snoopy.  Charlie Brown hires some Lucinian mercenaries to loot the military base.
CB 1124 Patty 484 Snoopy 343 Lucy 290 Linus 69

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