Snoopy's army wears itself out in 5 minutes. Charlie Brown tells Snoopy to develop a bunch of lower class Doghouses to get through the war.

Chuck's son is writing a makeup paper on tongues and has to feel Snoops. Lucy starts sending a bunch of automated planes to attack the UNOP.

Chuck's son draws a perfect circle and shows it to Viole's daughter who isn't impressed. Patty realizes that the only hope they have to win the battle is to recruit a new member.

Lucy secretly helps Snoopy whose leaders are embarrassed when Charlie Brown notices it. The bad Doghouses are completed and are shipped to the battle.

Chuck's son tells Batricia's daughter that he's not stupid, not a nangle worm, and she corrects him angle worm. The Doghouses reach the battle.

Lucy is helping Snoopy and Charlie Brown tries to help to but Snoopy goes crazy and almost attacks it.

Charlie Brown shows the UNOP its brand new flag which just repeats the stripe from the old one over and over.
CB 1147 Patty 490 Snoopy 357 Lucy 300 Violet 270
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