Friday, August 12, 2016

Week 215; Stupid Lucy

                Linus builds a tower but Lucy's new foolish leaders attack it and then Linus attacks back. Shroe finds out that the "army of Shermy" is heading out to attack them and starts preparing his army for them. Luci prepares to stop them from getting help from anywhere.
                  Lucy's foolish leaders takes stuff from Linus saying everything is theirs and Linus gives up its flag machine. Lucy prepares its lesser army ( not following Luci) to help Charlotte Braun's plan.
                 Suns Part 1; Luucy starts counting suns and tells Chuck that she's on the twelfth sun and he walks away after trying to correct her. Luci blocks off all points for "Shermy's army" to get reinforcements.
               Suns Part 2; Chuck asks Luucy if she's counting suns and she can't see since she's been sun counting. Shroe and The UNOP Front meet up and attack Shermy's army.
              Snoopy's army is resting and Charlie Brown tells it to move and it moves hardly at all. Shermy's army is destroyed utterly and Shroe and Luci march on to the capitol.
               Luucy wins permanent possession of the Worlds number 1 fussbudget trophy. Shroe meets up with Luci and they reach the capitol and prepare the siege.
                        Lucy tells Charlie Brown that it doesn't understand Linus and Charlie Brown talks about the difference in their governments and Lucy says it communicates in other languages and they don't understand it. They're just cursing at them in giberah for the beginning of the week.
CB 1233 Snoopy 389 Lucy 354 Linus 79

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