Saturday, August 27, 2016

Week 230; Doge-Rhino

Peanuts               Luucy says she'll believe anything Chuck says and he says the world is made of snow and she tells Viole who says he's out of his mind so she says that too.  Luci creates a blockhead generator in the fort giving them extreme power.
Peanuts                 Schroeder's hockey champion tells Charlie Brown's champion that he can't do the strategy because he falls down every time he passes. Charlette decides to send the main general to try to put the fort into siege.
Peanuts               Doge-Rhino Part 1; A Doge-Rhino breaks free and bumps Chuck. Luci starts shooting down everyone who tries to attack her.
Peanuts-               Doge-Rhino Part 2; The Doge-Rhino bumps Chuck off his feet. Luci's engineers head to Peanutsville to start installing Blockhead energy to it.
Peanuts               Doge-Rhino Part 3; Chuck try's to stop the Doge-Rhino from bumping a tree since its not strong enough so it taps the tree. Luci creates a Blockhead gun and starts developing them to make them safer.
Peanuts               Doge-Rhino Part 4; Chuck reads about normal Rhino's and makes fun of the Doge-Rhino  for being like them and it tries to bite him. Charlette finds out about Luci's development and starts trying to use Blockhead energy.
Peanuts               Doge-Rhino Part 5; Luucy scares the Doge-Rhino away and it goes to a Doghouse and is taken away. Charlette prepares special battle training.
CB 1317 Snoopy 410 Lucy 402 Violet 307 Schroeder 241

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